Discover nature on Schouwen-Duiveland
23 results
Boswachterij Westerschouwen
Visit the largest forest in Zeeland: Boswachterij Westerschouwen. State Forestry Agency has set out various routes here, ideal for a hike or bike ride in beautiful nature.
More information Boswachterij WesterschouwenBoswachterij Westerschouwen
Boswachterij WesterschouwenKraaijensteinweg
WestenschouwenMore info -
Nationaal Park Oosterschelde
Visit the Oosterschelde National Park, a dynamic nature reserve where ebb and flow create unique flora and fauna. The salt and freshwater area is home to thousands of birds, plants, and animals.
More information Nationaal Park OosterscheldeNationaal Park Oosterschelde
Nationaal Park OosterscheldeKoudekerkseweg 12
4328 NP Burgh HaamstedeMore info -
Havenhoofd Zierikzee Luisterpaal bruinvissen
At the Zierikzee Harbor Head, you can listen to the sounds of swimming harbor porpoises through the Listening Pole of Studio Bruinvis. Experience the wonders of nature and enjoy this unique listening experience at the harbor head.
More information Havenhoofd Zierikzee Luisterpaal bruinvissenHavenhoofd Zierikzee Luisterpaal bruinvissen
Havenhoofd Zierikzee Luisterpaal bruinvissen't luitje
ZierikzeeMore info -
De Vroongronden
Visit the Vroongronden located between Renesse and Haamstede. This open natural area is undulating and inhabited by numerous birds, flowers, and butterflies. Bike on the bike path from or to Renesse and enjoy the breathtaking nature.
More information De VroongrondenDe Vroongronden
De VroongrondenVroonweg
RenesseMore info -
Landgoed Slot Haamstede
Experience the beautiful nature of Estate Slot Haamstede during a guided tour with Natuurmonumenten. The Slotbos forest is home to snowdrops, hyacinths, and daffodils, and provides a refuge for a variety of bird species.
More information Landgoed Slot HaamstedeLandgoed Slot Haamstede
Landgoed Slot HaamstedeNoordstraat
4328 Burgh-HaamstedeMore info -
Discover the beautiful Dijkwater with its rich history of nature and water past. Enjoy colorful fields full of orchids and the fluttering of butterflies and grasshoppers.
More information DijkwaterDijkwater
DijkwaterWeg door Dijkwater
SirjanslandMore info -
Natuurgebied De Schelphoek
Nature reserve De Schelphoek is a beautiful creek area that was formed after the Flood of 1953. Enjoy the peace and beauty of this unique nature reserve during a walk or bike ride.
More information Natuurgebied De SchelphoekNatuurgebied De Schelphoek
Natuurgebied De SchelphoekSerooskerkseweg
SerooskerkeMore info -
De Meeuwenduinen
Discover De Meeuwenduinen, one of the most beautiful dune areas on Schouwen-Duiveland. Take a stunning 12 km hike through the Meeuwenduinen route and enjoy the breathtaking scenery.
More information De MeeuwenduinenDe Meeuwenduinen
De MeeuwenduinenAdriaan v/d Weijdeweg
Burgh-HaamstedeMore info -
Zuidkust van Schouwen
Discover the beautiful South coast of Schouwen, a vast nature reserve along the Oosterschelde. Enjoy a spacious green landscape that is perfect for cycling, hiking, and birdwatching. Relax in this oasis of nature.
More information Zuidkust van SchouwenZuidkust van Schouwen
Zuidkust van SchouwenKoudekerkseweg 12
Burgh-HaamstedeMore info -
Natuurgebied Tureluur
Take a walk through the beautiful nature reserve Tureluur on the southern coast of Schouwen-Duiveland. Enjoy the peace and quiet of this unique piece of nature, where various bird species have found their home.
More information Natuurgebied TureluurNatuurgebied Tureluur
Natuurgebied TureluurSlikweg
SerooskerkeMore info -
Discover the beautiful Steenzwaan, a lively river and remnant of a once very active current. Enjoy the peaceful surroundings during a beautiful walk.
More information SteenzwaanSteenzwaan
SteenzwaanOude Polderdijk
SchuddebeursMore info -
Zouten en Zoeten Haard
The Zouten en Zoeten Haard area is located on the eastern dunes of Renesse. This name refers to the sea influences and the fact that it is part of the inner dune area.
More information Zouten en Zoeten HaardZouten en Zoeten Haard
Zouten en Zoeten HaardRampweg
RenesseMore info -
De Slikken van Bommenede
Discover the bird richness of De Slikken van Bommenede, the breeding ground for rare and endangered bird species in the Grevelingen. This versatile area outside the dike houses dozens of breeding birds.
More information De Slikken van BommenedeDe Slikken van Bommenede
De Slikken van BommenedeZonnemairsedijk
ZonnemaireMore info -
Krekengebied Ouwerkerk
Discover the Ouwerkerk Creek area with the vibrant blue kingfisher, little swans, and woodpeckers. Enchanting colors of samphire and orchids make it a wonderful destination for nature lovers.
More information Krekengebied OuwerkerkKrekengebied Ouwerkerk
Krekengebied OuwerkerkWeg van de Buitenlandse Pers/ Stelweg / Oostweg
OuwerkerkMore info -
At the Prunjehil, you have a unique viewpoint with three aspects: meeting point, information point, and observation point over the nature reserve. Enjoy the breathtaking view and learn more about the surroundings.
More information PrunjehilPrunjehil
SerooskerkeMore info -
Discover the Voordelta: a unique coastal area stretching from the Maasvlakte to the tip of Walcheren. The importance of this region on a European scale is unprecedented, with rare seals and special bird and fish species finding their home here.
More information VoordeltaVoordelta
VoordeltaRenesse, Burgh-HaamstedeMore info -
Het Gadra Bos
Discover the beautiful Gadra Forest. Although this forest may not be large, it is known for its abundance of oak trees and numerous mushrooms in the fall. Come and enjoy nature and take a relaxing walk in the Gadrabos.
More information Het Gadra BosHet Gadra Bos
Het Gadra BosVroonweg
Burgh-HaamstedeMore info -
Het Grevelingenmeer
Discover the largest saltwater lake in Western Europe: the Grevelingenmeer. Water sports enthusiasts can indulge in activities such as surfing, sailing, and diving. Come and enjoy the versatile possibilities at the Grevelingenmeer.
More information Het GrevelingenmeerHet Grevelingenmeer
Het GrevelingenmeerScharendijkeMore info -
Natuurgebied Plaat van Vliet
The beautiful Nature Area Plaat van Vliet is a rare piece of exposed sandbank near the Krammer locks. Here, unique plants grow and you can enjoy various birds flying around.
More information Natuurgebied Plaat van VlietNatuurgebied Plaat van Vliet
Natuurgebied Plaat van Vlietplaat van vlietMore info -
De Verklikkerduinen
The Verklikkerduinen are beautiful young dunes with blowing dunes on the beach and colorful wet dune valleys inland. Enjoy the natural beauty of this unique environment full of flowers and rare plants.
More information De VerklikkerduinenDe Verklikkerduinen
De VerklikkerduinenVerklikkerpad
Nieuw-HaamstedeMore info -
De Slikken van Dijkwater
The Slikken van Dijkwater, a remote bird sanctuary where rare salt marsh grows. Although not accessible to the public, this location offers a serene refuge for native bird species.
More information De Slikken van DijkwaterDe Slikken van Dijkwater
De Slikken van DijkwaterNoorddijk
SirjanslandMore info -
De Naterstreek is an important nature reserve for various birds. Throughout the year, you can enjoy the large bird diversity here. Especially in spring and summer, you can spot spoonbills, marsh harriers, and geese here.
More information NaterstreekNaterstreek
ZonnemaireMore info -
Experience the beautiful nature of the Zeepeduinen, a protected area since 1988. Take a walk and spot various bird species. Enjoy peace and quiet in this unique piece of nature in the Netherlands.
More information ZeepeduinenZeepeduinen
ZeepeduinenZandstraat 16
4328LM Burgh-HaamstedeMore info